It is important to know cut off dates in order for you to get the best possible experience from Met Temps.

Timesheet Submission Deadlines

The table below shows the cut off points for timesheet submissions, any timesheets submitted after these dates will be moved into the following month's pay run on the 24th.


All timesheets MUST be authorised by 12pm

New Assignments and Extensions Deadline:

Between the 12th-24th of every month, the HR system locks down therefore any new or extended assignments can not be created in this time. For extensions or new assignments given to Met Temps between the period of the 12th - 24th will not be processed until the following month. The resulting effect is the worker will not be able to access IT systems or process Staff ID Cards.

In order to guarantee you/your worker will have processed through HR, they advise these to be created by the 5th.

It is important to note these date's down or set reminders in order for you to have a smooth-running process working with Met Temps.